This section hosts the live state and local opioid settlement funding and input opportunities I discover in my weekly Google Alerts tracking. It’s intended to exist as a companion to the above map, which I launched with the Legal Action Center to report on the status of states’ and localities’ opioid settlement-funded grant-making.
Last updated March 23, 2025. See, e.g., Tennessee, Virginia, and Kentucky.
If you see something I’ve missed, send a tip.
Funding and input opportunities with upcoming deadlines:
“See also”
Kentucky — KACo: Leadership Institute: Opioid Solutions event (3/25)
Tennessee — Opioid Abatement Council (OAC): Community Advocacy Panel application info. (DUE 4/4)
South Carolina — SCORF Staff’s 2025 Coffee Chat schedule (incl. public comment sessions on 5/2, 8/1, and 11/7)
Virginia — OAA 2025 Abatement Academy Sessions (multiple)
Other vacancies:
Minnesota — Wright County Health & Human Services Advisory Council application info.
Oregon — Opioid Settlement Prevention, Treatment and Recovery (OSPTR) board member application info.
Input opportunities with rolling or unlisted deadlines:
Please note: The below survey links are just those that I have come across in my weekly Google Alerts trawling.
For the complete analysis of public input opportunities in each state, including an assessment of whether they are legally required, please visit (jointly produced by me and Vital Strategies).
Colorado — Settlement Distributions Site Feedback Survey
Delaware — Prescription Opioid Settlement Distribution Commission Listening Tour Survey
Maryland — Opioid Restitution Fund Priorities Survey
Massachusetts — Hampshire County survey
Michigan — Opioid Advisory Commission: Community Impact Survey
New York — North Country Community College Addiction Professionals Scholarship Program, Rochester survey
North Carolina — Cumberland County survey, Nash County survey, Pender County survey, Rowan County survey
Pennsylvania — Allegheny County survey
Virginia — Opioid Abatement Authority survey
Miami County, Ohio — application info. (DUE 3/28)
Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties, Colorado — Gateway to the Rockies Opioid Council (GROC) application info. (DUE 3/31)
Harrison County, Kentucky — application info. (DUE 3/31)
Laramie County, Wyoming — application info. (DUE 3/31)
Virginia — OAA “Operation STOP! (Specifically Targeted Overdose Prevention)” application info. (DUE 4/1)
Bloomington, Indiana — application info. (DUE 4/11)
Brandon, Michigan — application info. (DUE 4/11)
Cass County, Minnesota — application info. (DUE 4/18)
Lenawee County, Michigan — application info. (DUE 6/6)
Franklin County, Maine — application info. (DUE 6/30)
Funding opportunities with rolling or unlisted deadlines:
Decatur County, Indiana — application info. (“[Justice Reinvestment Advisory Council] will meet at the end of each quarter to discuss applications”)
Porter County, Indiana — application info. (“[f]rom 2025 through 2038”)
Bourne, Maine — application info. (“[r]olling applications”)
Boston, Massachusetts — Boston Public Health Commission’s truly extraordinary Family Overdose Support Fund
“The fund can cover one invoice up to $5,000, paid directly to service providers for the following eligible services: Funerals, burials, or cremation services for the person who died from overdose[,] Clinical therapy or behavioral health support services for surviving family members[,] Childcare costs and/or child enrichment costs for a child who lost a parent, guardian, or sibling to overdose (e.g., camp, afterschool programs, extracurricular activities)[,] Legal services to assist in applying for public benefits or resolve issues with the deceased family member’s estate or guardianship of children.” “Eligible applicants must … [c]urrently live in the city of Boston,” among other requirements.
Freeborn County, Minnesota — application info.
Weirton, West Virginia — application info. (“[f]unding decisions are made by the Weirton City Council”)
COMMUNITY GRANT TRACKER (independently maintained by OST)
This section reports on states’ and localities’ opioid settlement-funded grant-making.
For a list of live opportunities with upcoming deadlines, see NOTABLE LIVE OPPORTUNITIES.
Last updated March 23, 2025.
If you see something I’ve missed, send a tip.
LAC and OST have jointly launched the above map and this spreadsheet on Juneteenth 2024 to provide a snapshot in time of states’ and localities’ opioid settlement grant-making opportunities.
Since then, I have continued to independently track states’ opioid settlement community grant portals using the “Opioid Settlement Community Grant Tracker (v1.0)” spreadsheet below. I encourage all states and localities to email me with additional funding opportunities you’d like to see mentioned.
Has my state announced a public grant-making program funded by opioid settlements? → map (above) and tracker (below)
Are community organizations within my state eligible to apply for funding, and if so, from which share? → tracker (below)
Are other sources of funding available from the other shares in this state, e.g., the local share? → tracker (below)
About the map (LAC x OST): The Opioid Settlement Community Grant Portals (map) is a visualization created by the Legal Action Center, in collaboration with Christine Minhee, J.D. of It summarizes data in her Opioid Settlement Community Grant Tracker (v1.0) (spreadsheet), which Minhee launched in collaboration with LAC and has independently maintained since. For use of the Opioid Settlement Community Grant Portals Map, refer to LAC's reproduction and distribution policy here. For use of Minhee's Opioid Settlement Community Grant Portals Table, refer to her creative commons license and usage details here. All rights reserved.
About the spreadsheet (OST): I create my datasets for public, beneficial uses, so each of them sit under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which allows you to “remix, adapt, and build upon [the above] non-commercially” provided that (1) I am credited in the process (“Christine Minhee, J.D.,”), and (2) you license whatever you produce using my help under identical terms. Happy to discuss.
About My Collaboration with the Legal Action Center (LAC)
A note about affiliations. The Legal Action Center (LAC) and the founder of this website, Christine Minhee, J.D., contracted for her to create the Opioid Settlement Community Grants Tracker spreadsheet, which LAC’s design team used to create its summary map.
Christine sought to answer three questions with this project:
Have each of the states announced a public grant-making program funded by opioid settlements? → answers available in both LAC’s map and OST’s spreadsheet
Are community organizations within those states eligible to apply for funding, and if so, from which share of funds? → answers available only in OST’s spreadsheet
Are other sources of funding available from the other shares in this state? → answers available only in OST’s spreadsheet
OpioidSettlementTracker’s (OST) Community Grant Tracker methodology
Sources for the above information. Christine has read every single Google Alert containing the word “opioid” and “settlement” since 2019 and has independently collected states’ and localities’ opioid-settlement funded grant-making opportunities since early 2024. Some of those findings were published in an informal capacity in the “Opioid Settlement Funding Opportunities” section of her State/Local Plans page, which Christine has moved over to this page as of June 19, 2024.
Christine used her research on states’ opioid settlement spending rules to identify each state’s intrastate allocation share. She then used her expenditure report tracker to determine whether states had been grant-making at all. She then relied on her years and years of opioid settlement spending tracking data to determine and fill any gaps.
What is considered an “opioid settlement-funded grant”?
Opioid settlement-funded grants are funding opportunities announced and described by U.S. states and localities as having been funded by their opioid settlement winnings. To view states’ total awards, see OST’s Global Settlement Tracker.
Spreadsheet rules. Here are the categorization rules Christine used to color-code her Community Grant Tracker spreadsheet above, which powers the summary of data in the Legal Action Center’s Community Grant Portal map.
This question is answered for each of the states in both LAC’s Community Grant Portals map and the first color-coded column of my Community Grant Tracker spreadsheet.
YES. This means that this state has either (a) launched either a website (“portal”) that hosts opioid settlement-funded grant opportunities OR (b) has published and publicized at least one opioid settlement-funded request for proposal (“RFP”).
TBD. This means that the state has either (a) promised in writing to eventually establish an opioid settlement-funded grant-making program OR (b) launched a website to eventually host future opioid settlement-funded grant opportunities.
NO. This means that this state’s binding opioid settlement plans (contracts and legislation) either (a) neglect to address opioid settlement-funded grant-making entirely OR (b) refer to grant-making as a “may” (optional power) versus a “must” (requirement) of its opioid settlement spending scheme.
This question is answered for each of the states in the second color-coded column of my Community Grant Tracker spreadsheet.
YES. This means that the state’s opioid-settlement funded portals and RFPs contain explicit language describing non-profit organizations’ ability to apply for at least one of the state’s publicized opioid-settlement funded grant opportunities.
TBD. This means that the state has either (a) anticipated the participation of non-profit organizations in its grant-making scheme in writing OR (b) has yet to launch its promised grant-making program, let alone announce details as to eligible recipients.
NO. This means that the state has gone out of its way to grant its opioid settlements to entities other than non-profit organizations OR (b) has yet to engage in opioid settlement-funded grant-making at all.
This question is answered for each of the states in percentage (%) number column of my Community Grant Tracker spreadsheet.
The percentage (%) numbers in this column describe what percentage share of funds in the state’s intrastate allocation scheme is doing the grant-making.
This question is answered for each of the states in the third color-coded column of my Community Grant Tracker spreadsheet.
YES. This means that there is evidence of the state’s other intrastate shares being doled out as grants. For instance, if 50% is listed under “FROM WHAT SIZE SHARE,” this column would describe and link to grant-making opportunities made possible by that “other” 50% of settlement funds within the state.
TBD. This means that there is nothing prohibiting the state’s other intrastate shares from being doled out as grants, but no such evidence that they will be.
NO. Only in one state, Virginia, are localities explicitly discouraged from distributing their collective 30% share as grants.